
Bram Vogelaar

Bram Vogelaar

Cloud Engineer at Seaplane.io

Oegstgeest, The Netherlands

Bram Vogelaar spent the first part of his career as a Molecular Biologist, he then moved on to supporting his peers by building tools and platforms for them with a lot of Open Source technologies. He now works as a cloud engineer at seaplane.io, building a global platform for building & scaling your apps

Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology


  • HashiCorp Nomad
  • devops
  • Consul
  • Hashicorp Vault
  • grafana
  • Prometheus
  • Puppet
  • Jenkins Pipeline
  • Jenkins
  • hashicorp terraform
  • SRE
  • Platform Engineering
  • Monitoring
  • Monitoring & Observability
  • Observability

Capacity Planning for Nomad

Things like Infrastructure as Code, Service Discovery and Config Management can and have helped us to quickly build and rebuild infrastructure but we haven't nearly spend enough time to train our self to review, monitor and respond to outages. Does our platform degrade in a graceful way or what does a high cpu load really mean? What can we learn from level 1 outages to be able to run our platforms more reliably.

We all love infrastructure as code, we automate everything ™ but how many of us can really say we could destroy and recreate our core infrastructure without human intervention. A Container Scheduler adds application life cycle management, scheduling and placement based on available resources and connectivity features to your cloud system. It takes away the responsibility from you to take care for these tasks. During this talk we will investigate how we can setup and monitor a cloud native container platform that scales using hashicorp's consul and nomad service discovery and investigate how to monitor the cluster's job placement, job distribution and cluster utilization

Self scaling Multi cloud nomad workloads

During this talk we will discuss the problems encountered and the solutions implemented while dealing with building out a multi cloud strategy. We will start at taking our first steps building a multi-region multi-cloud nomad cluster and discussing some pitfalls we encountered, since not all cloud providers are build a like. We finish our talk deep diving into ingress patterns and consul config to be able to survive pretty much any outage or price change. Maintaining these config can be quite cumbersome but are also a prime target to automate using consul watchers

CICD using terraform and github actions

Things like Infrastructure as Code, Service Discovery and Config Management can and have helped us to quickly build and rebuild infrastructure but we haven't nearly spend enough time to train our self to review, monitor and respond to outages.

This talk will discuss how to utilise Github Actions as the means to achieve a well oiled and well understood CICD setup. From doing QA on individual terraform modules and providers to taking your terraform projects through several environments while maintaining trace- and audibility.

CICD using nomad-pack and github actions

Things like Infrastructure as Code, Service Discovery and Config Management can and have helped us to quickly build and rebuild infrastructure but we haven't nearly spend enough time to train our self to review, monitor and respond to outages.

This talk will discuss how to utilise Github Actions as the means to achieve a well oiled and well understood CICD setup. From doing QA on individual Nomad Packs andto taking yournomad projects through several environments while maintaining trace- and audibility.

Secure second day operations with Boundary and Vault

We now live in the age of cloud native which also means that we now have an incredibly dynamic fleet of nodes to maintain. Instead of injecting a well known SSH key into our entire infrastructure this talk will show how we can utilise Boundary and Vault to build a zero trust system. This than allows us to hook boundary up to a config management tool like ansible to manage our nodes

Terraforming your Platform Engineering organisation

Have we just reached the limits of shifting left? are we now limited by "Devs doing Ops? After the emergence of SRE we are now in the age of Platform engineering. Platform engineering massively improves the developer experience which in and of it self enables teams to do exactly what needed to be done to get features in front of users instead of being bogged down things that have no unique selling point for their platform or product.

Providing, creating and maintaining the right permissions and team structures can be quite tedious and when done manually will result in at best broken and at worst dangerous team structures.

This talk discusses how to utilise Terraform to model your github organisation in code. The team structure created in github can than be used to create and maintain teams and permissions in both Vault and Boundary. After which Vault can be used to sync secrets from Vault to appropriate github projects.

a Pint size introduction to SLO

Athletes, Firemen and Doctors train everyday to be the best at their chosen profession. As engineers we spend much of our time getting stuff to production and making sure our infrastructure doesn’t burn down out right. We however spend very little time learning to understand and respond to outages. Does our platform degrade in a graceful way or what does a high CPU load really mean? What can we learn from level 1 outages to be able to run our platforms more reliably.

Building an autoscaling LGTM stack using Nomad

A gentle introduction to Observability and how to setup a highly available monitoring platform across
multiple datacenters.

During this talk we will investigate how we can setup and monitor an autoscaling monitoring platform across 2 DCs using Loki, Grafana, Tempo, and Mimir and HashiCorp Consul and Nomad monitoring some services with some lessons learned along the way.

Uncomplicated Nomad

The nomad team has been working hard to make sure that running Nomad is as easy as possible. For that they have introduced native service discovery and secret management and the ecosystem is picking up speed and tools like Traefik and Prometheus now support it out of the box. With the introduction of nomad-pack and the community registry it is now easier than ever to start nomad jobs. During this talk we ll discuss how to plumb all these together and why running Nomad has never been easier.

Easy Cloud Native Transformation with Nomad

HashiCorp Nomad is a flexible and straightforward scheduler and orchestrator to deploy and manage containers and non-containerised applications across on-prem and clouds at scale.

10 things i learned building nomad-packs

The nomad team has been working very hard on making templated deploys easy for this they have released the tech preview of nomad-pack. This talk discusses some of my observations while migrating nomad job files over to nomad-pack

Overengineering your personal website

Let's be honest, whether consciously or not we all do it. In this talk we'll discuss how far down the rabbit whole one can go, while serving only a single static html page.

From the humble beginnings as a markdown file to actual website and several layers of monitoring and automation. We ll discuss the architecture behind my personal website that also doubles as the vehicle that i use to learn new tools and techniques. So don't be surprised to come across an application deployed using waypoint onto a vm build using packer that resides in a fully terraformed AWS environment

Nomad-Pack; 15-minute meal

Nomad job files havent always been easy to parameterize. The awesome nomad team is now working changing all this by releasing nomad-pack a templating and packaging tool. Reminiscent of a Jamie's 15 minute meal, we ll take you from creating a github project to building and running your very first nomad-pack

Terraform Provider 15-minute meal

Have you always wanted to create a terraform provider but don't know how come. Then this talk is for you. Reminiscent of a Jamie's 15 minute meal, we ll take you from creating a github project to building and releasing your very first provider

Running trusted payloads

Things like Infrastructure as Code, Service Discovery and Config Management can and have helped us to quickly build and rebuild infrastructure but we haven't nearly spend enough time to train ourselves to review, monitor and respond to outages.

With the the introduction of CI/CD best practices into our day to day workflows we protect ourselves for introducing "bad" code into production and exposing flaws to our (end-)users. But what about influences from bad actors in- and out-side our projects. This talk will focus on the additional steps we can add to our build pipelines to also protect ourselves to so called supply chain attacks while running our application platforms. We ll discuss scanning for vulnerabilities in incoming code, packages and images and signing the content artefacts we trust before exposing them to our users.

Observability; a gentle introduction

As engineers we spend much of our time getting stuff to production and making sure our infrastructure doesn’t burn down out right. We however spend very little time learning to understand and respond to outages. Does our platform degrade in a graceful way or what does a high cpu load really mean? What can we learn from level 1 outages to be able to run our platforms more reliably.

Plenty of people are jumping on the new hype, Observability, lots of them are replacing their “legacy” monitoring stack. Not all of them achieve the goals they set. But observability is not a tool — it is a property of a system. Moving from many small black boxes to a more holistic view of your system.

In this talk we ll talk about how to prepare teams to tweak their testing and monitoring setup and work instructions to quickly observe, react to and resolve problems. We look at improving your monitoring by adapting your culture and then maybe your tooling. Where we as engineers not only write, maintain and operate our software platforms but actively pursue ways to learn and predict its (non-functional) behavior.

Furthermore we ll discuss the need for and the options of not only monitoring our platforms and it's envitable outages, but also their (potential) length and impact. We ll look at tools like at using Service Level Objects for ways to prepare teams to tweak their testing and monitoring setup and runbooks to quickly observe, react to and resolve problems.

nomad best practices for reliable deploys

Things like Infrastructure as Code, Service Discovery and Config Management can and have helped us to quickly build and rebuild infrastructure but we haven't nearly spend enough time to train our self to review, monitor and respond to outages. Does our platform degrade in a graceful way or what does a high cpu load really mean? What can we learn from level 1 outages to be able to run our platforms more reliably.

We all love infrastructure as code, we automate everything ™ but how many of us can really say we could destroy and recreate our core infrastructure without human intervention. A Container Scheduler adds application life cycle management, scheduling and placement based on available resources and connectivity features to your cloud system. It takes away the responsibility from you to take care for these tasks. During this talk we will investigate how we can setup and monitor a cloud native container platform that scales using hashicorp's consul and nomad service discovery and container scheduling tools will define some best practices that will allow your platforms to heal itself.

Gamification of Chaos Testing

Athletes, Firemen and Doctors train everyday to be the best at their chosen profession.
As engineers we spend much of our time getting stuff to production and making sure our infrastructure doesn’t burn down out right. We however spend very little time learning to understand and respond to outages.  

Things like Infrastructure as Code, Service Discovery and Config Management can and have helped us to quickly build and rebuild infrastructure but we haven't nearly spend enough time to train our self to review, monitor and respond to outages. Does our platform degrade in a graceful way or what does a high cpu load really mean? What can we learn from level 1 outages to be able to run our platforms more reliably.

In this talk we ll discuss the need for and the options of creating a game day culture. Where we as engineers not only write, maintain and operate our software platforms but actively pursue ways to learn and predict its (non-functional) behavior. We ll look at tools like toxiproxy and the simian army for ways to prepare teams to tweak their testing and monitoring setup and work instructions to quickly observe, react to and resolve problems.

Chaos testing HashiCorp Nomad platforms

Things like Infrastructure as Code, Service Discovery and Config Management can and have helped us to quickly build and rebuild infrastructure but we haven't nearly spend enough time to train our self to review, monitor and respond to outages. Does our platform degrade in a graceful way or what does a high cpu load really mean? What can we learn from level 1 outages to be able to run our platforms more reliably.

When you practice chaos engineering, you are discovering how your system reacts following certain conditions you inject. By doing this in a controlled fashion, you may learn how to change the system accordingly.

This talk will focus on creating and running chaos experiments to ensure that our workloads running on our nomad workload scheduler are will be able to survive just about any problem we throw at it.

Jenkins Configuration of Code

Jenkins has been the go to tool for CI/CD since the days it was still called hudson. However Jenkins has been a big pain to configure. It started out by committing xml files, to config mgmt. With the release of job-dsl our life has become alot easier. The last step is jenkins configuration as code, this talks shows how to build a modern jenkins setup from the ground up and configuring it all from git.

SLOconf 2023 Sessionize Event

May 2023

HashiTalks 2023 Sessionize Event

February 2023

HashiTalks: Deploy Sessionize Event

December 2022

HashiTalks: Benelux Sessionize Event

December 2022

HashiTalks: Build Sessionize Event

July 2022

Devopsdays Amsterdam 2022 Sessionize Event

June 2022 Amsterdam, The Netherlands

2021 All Day DevOps Sessionize Event

October 2021

Bram Vogelaar

Cloud Engineer at Seaplane.io

Oegstgeest, The Netherlands

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