
PowerPlatform Dataflows –PowerQuery (and more) in the Cloud

With PowerPlatform dataflows, users can bring PowerQuery functionality to a cloud-only life. Created in the cloud, processed in the cloud and storing results in the cloud, dataflows can be seen as cloud native part of the ETL within the PowerPlatform.
After their initial start in the Power BI universe, they now reached out into other parts of the PowerPlatform and be one of the future options of ETL pipelines to transfer data into data lakes.
In addition to data transformation, dataflows can be enriched with AI functionality to bring more ML power into your ETL processes.
Join this session if you want to learn more about the current feature set available and see what is new and possible with data preparation in the cloud with PowerPlatform dataflows.

Wolfgang Strasser

data juggler

Hartkirchen, Austria


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